The average house price on ROSE AVENUE is £65,653
The most expensive house in the street is 6 ROSE AVENUE with an estimated value of £99,612
The cheapest house in the street is 1 ROSE AVENUE with an estimated value of £35,584
The house which was most recently sold was 2 ROSE AVENUE, this sold on 6 May 2015 for £47,500
The postcode for ROSE AVENUE is HU3 3JH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 ROSE AVENUE Terraced £35,584 £20,000 31 Mar 2006
2 ROSE AVENUE Terraced £69,841 £47,500 6 May 2015
3 ROSE AVENUE Terraced £55,080 £30,000 7 Oct 2005
4 ROSE AVENUE Terraced £48,434 £23,000 26 Mar 2004
5 ROSE AVENUE Terraced £69,841 £47,500 6 May 2015
6 ROSE AVENUE Terraced £99,612 £21,000 21 May 1998
7 ROSE AVENUE Terraced £56,693 £31,000 8 Dec 2008
8 ROSE AVENUE Terraced £61,021 £40,000 29 Aug 2014
10 ROSE AVENUE Terraced £93,816 £60,000 6 Dec 2007
11 ROSE AVENUE Terraced £66,608 £45,000 1 Apr 2015